Yoga Nidra with Ann-Marie, Tuesday 11 April 2023

Join Ann-Marie James, co-director of Mind Garden and Breathwork Therapist, for this intimate Yoga Nidra workshop on April 11.

Nidra April 2023

What is yoga nidra? An ancient practice of deep restoration in mind & body with an evidence-base in modern science. Learn to create relaxation on a deep and enduring level. Teach your mind-body system to transition more easily from busy waking states into slow, restful states. Improve your sleep quality, let go of stress, and repay sleep debt.

Ann-Marie is a psychotherapist and co-director of Mind Garden Therapy, a certified breathwork coach & is trained in yoga nidra for health & psychological wellbeing.

The class will last around one hour. It will include a gentle introduction to yoga nidra using calming breathwork followed by a half hour nidra practice.

Spaces are very limited in order to provide a welcoming, safe space for this unique tool for deep relaxation.

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